Kenya Health Information

Travel Information

Last updated on the 07/08/07

Health Precautions

It is strongly recommended that you take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling. Medical facilities including ambulance services outside the major cities are limited and your insurance should cover you for the possibility of medical repatriation. Check for exclusions and that your policy covers you for all the activities that you may participate in.

Malaria is prevalent outside Nairobi and in areas below 1,800 metres above sea level. In 2006, there was an outbreak of highland malaria in the West Pokot District (north western Kenya) that was associated with several fatalities.

Malaria can occur despite prevention, so it is advisable to seek medical care in the event of a fever or flu-like illness in the first year following your return. There are outbreaks of cholera from time to time.

HIV or AIDS is widespread and transmission can also occur through poor medical facilities.

Water is of variable quality, so drink bottled water wherever possible and avoid food prepared by unlicensed vendors.


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